Rymsta Ray Ekwu
2 min readApr 3, 2017

Why Single?

This question has to be the JAMB question of the millennium. Why does it feel like it’s a crime to be single? Society will always come for your head when you’re ‘ripe for marriage’ but stay single. Like you have an obligation towards them to get engaged, marry and start reproduction right away. Maybe it’s the wedding these guys just love to attend, I’m still trying to figure it out.

The struggle is real. Lots of young ladies and men are really facing this pressure to tie the knot asap. They are under the constant threat of being alone or lonely if they don’t find their soul mate before the sun sets on their case. I feel the pressure too, thankfully not from my parents but subconsciously from my peers. All my guys are getting married and it seems like my clock is ticking way too fast. Oluwa provide a boo O!

On the flip side, I think being single is beautiful. You have the opportunity to find out what and who you really want. It affords you the chance to socialize and interact without being under any obligation to anyone. You also have ample time for yourself and you could probably learn a new hobby. Being in a relationship is awesome but don’t rush into one because you saw a couple looking all lovey-dovey on Instagram with the hashtag #RelationshipGoals. If you do, you’ve already missed the goal, believe me. Enjoy this phase of your life, it won’t last forever. (Except you’ve decided to be a monk or nun)

You should stop seeing your ‘single’ status as a curse or witch hunting from your village. Nobody is doing juju for you. Embrace it while it lasts and make the best out of it. Pray about the kind of partner you want but don’t be anxious. Make friends, develop yourself, have fun and live! If you put yourself out there you will be in a better position to see someone you like. On the other hand, if you’re not ready to settle down, by all means feel free to be you. Don’t allow pressure from society dictate how you live your life because in the end, your happiness counts. Hey, fret not.. Thy spouse cometh.

Rymsta Ray Ekwu

I serve the Truth in Chocolate Bars. Kingdom Emcee, CEO: Rich & Rychus Entertainment, Founder: #OroroNation