Rymsta Ray Ekwu
3 min readApr 1, 2017

The Ex Files

I’m pretty sure at least one of my exes will read this so let me start by saying that if we ever dated, you are really beautiful and amazing. Nothing will ever change that, not even breaking up.. Lol. I’ll also like to make it clear that this article is not written to get back at you or talk about what happened between us. That stays confidential. You know I got you ;)

I’ll like to preach a brief sermon on how to be a better ex. Yes! I said it “How to be a better ex”. Although I’m currently single, I’ve had my fair share of relationships so I feel I could give a few tips that have worked for me as an individual. This doesn’t in anyway make me a relationship expert, hey it’s just my two cents okay?

So here goes…

  1. Learn To Move On:

I once dated a girl who broke my heart and it was really difficult to move on. I tried everything I could to get her back but she was not just into me. Somehow, I knew I would not get her back but I was just “hopeful” that someday she would pick my call and say “Rymsta it’s ok, I still love you, I just wanted to do shakara a little.” Your guess is as good as mine, it never happened. So I had to finally let go and today we run into each other sometimes, we smile and hug, say a few words and go our separate ways.

2. Never say trash about your Ex:

I’ve noticed that some guys do this and I don’t see the rational behind it. Ogbeni, you once toasted this girl, told the rest of the world that she was your angel that was bursting your dada etc. Now things went south and you’re coming up with a lot of BS calling her a whore on social media? It makes no sense.. Non whatsoever! Girls please don’t do this too. Words are powerful and they have a way of boomeranging. If you were not happy in a relationship and you called it quits eventually just let it be. The next person may be the person who will wipe your tears and you don’t want to bring all that garbage into this new experience.

3. Be Nice:

Your ex may need help or a recommendation for a job. Don’t say because he/she did so and so, I will be a stumbling block in their progress. Don’t be an enemy of progress. Love them like you would love a friend. You may not be able to to dance to Ed Sheeran’s “Shape of You” together again but you can genuinely be friends with your ex. If you remember their birthday, call them up and wish them a happy birthday. If they start a new business, support in the best way you can. All I’m trying to say is you can be nice and not expect anything in return. It does not make you a mumu, it just shows you are human and that although you’re no longer in a relationship with this person, you still care when they need it.

With these few points of mine, I hope I’ve been able to convince you and not confuse you that you can be a better ex. (I’m laughing really hard right now). Got to go, until the next read, Ciao!!!

Rymsta Ray Ekwu

I serve the Truth in Chocolate Bars. Kingdom Emcee, CEO: Rich & Rychus Entertainment, Founder: #OroroNation