Rymsta Ray Ekwu
2 min readMay 12, 2017


Let me first of all apologize for not writing any article for about two weeks now. I’ve been up and about trying to ensure my debut album launch is a success. It has not been easy and I must confess, I have not had good sleep in a while. There are days I sleep with the WiFi on and someone will probably be wondering why I’m still awake by 2 am, but I know that behind this cloud lies a silver lining. We have come too far to give up now. If you’re in Abuja, please make sure you come for the Raynaissance album launch on May 28, at The Porch, Omega Events Arena Maitama by 5pm. Would be a joy to see you!

The music has been my joy, my passion and sometimes my pain. I can’t count how many times I’ve been to the studio to correct something or collect data. Man!! The other day I went for a radio interview at Hot Fm and fam, as I jumped into the car I heard one sound from around my waist, I knew immediately that something was wrong, my belt had given up . I was torn between going back home and catching the interview which I was already getting late for. Your guess is as good as mine, I never went back till after the interview. Thank God it was radio, lol.

I’m thankful for the few people God has sent my way this season. Radio OAPs, DJs and bloggers who keep showing me love, some I’ve never met. My graphic designer is one person I can call by 1 am and tell him to design a cover I need for 8 am, he always delivers. My producers have been amazing, they have also been patient with me because when it comes to sound, I can be very persistent with how I want it. The guy mastering the project was God sent because I didn’t even know we were mutual friends on Facebook till someone recommended him and I listened to his work. To all the artists who have signed up to add colour to my event, may favour never end in your lives.

My family!! Gosh!! I can’t even quantify how supportive they have been. My mum especially, she’s always telling me “Don’t worry, everything will be fine.” My bro and sis are always willing to listen to my ideas and they also support with their input too. Sometimes they don’t understand everything, (especially when I start talking about mixing, mastering and data) but they still listen non the less. I’m super grateful for them. Before this article ends.. I’m grateful for you, yes you! Thanks for taking out time to read this and my other articles too, I love you. God bless and see you on May 28.

Rymsta Ray Ekwu

I serve the Truth in Chocolate Bars. Kingdom Emcee, CEO: Rich & Rychus Entertainment, Founder: #OroroNation