Rymsta Ray Ekwu
2 min readApr 6, 2017

Shuga Mummy

I’m scribbling these lines and laughing at the same time because looking at my life in hindsight, I know God always had a plan for me. Maybe I was just too naive to see it. I’m grateful for all the mistakes I made but indeed more grateful for the ones He helped me avoid.

After secondary school, I applied for admission into the university like every young Nigerian kid with a dream but it was not forthcoming so I enrolled into the International Institute of Journalism for a diploma in journalism. I made several friends there and most of the students liked me. Life was good.

I noticed one beautiful older woman in my class particular liked me more than usual. We would sit and talk for long hours. Sometimes I would do her assignments for her and help her run some errands. I just saw her as a friend initially but the closer we got, the more I suspected that feelings were growing on both sides but we never said anything about it.

Meanwhile, I had fancied the idea of having a shuga mummy. I needed to make money in this life man. It looked like the easy way out. No stress, just sex. I could be a “baby boy” for life. So I told her one day that I would love to follow her home (as a sharp guy ☺) She asked ‘Why do you want to know my house?’ I told her I just wanted to know where she stayed out of curiosity so I could pay her a visit soon. She insisted and said no.

I don’t know if it was the Holy Spirit that prompted her to say what she said next but somehow she knew what was going to happen if I went home with her. She said “Hey, I really like you but I can’t do anything with you, I have a son and he’s just like you.. Your mum will be heart broken if she finds out.. I’m sorry.”

Well, ladies and gentlemen.. That’s how I lost a shuga mummy but I’m glad the Lord helped me and today looking back I’m grateful He stepped in even though I was naive and didn’t have the whole picture of a stupid decision I almost made. God saves.. Best believe.

Rymsta Ray Ekwu

I serve the Truth in Chocolate Bars. Kingdom Emcee, CEO: Rich & Rychus Entertainment, Founder: #OroroNation